
"faith is learning the imperfections and still believing"
perhaps that was what God was so afraid of in the old
testament: so he throws out fire, storms that blanket
the lands, makes women salt from all their tears, men
wander around lost but never hungry for scores at a
time: our God was fearful that had we but loved we
would have found him weak, nothing but an engineer
who fixed the this and that of the world, not a creator

i once informed an engineer that i believed that
engineers were creators - he shook his head no as
he took another bite of his dinner: "what an engineer
does" he responded is "they find the easiest solutions,
for the problem at hand: for example you hate your
blackberry, you have heels, you beat your blackberry
problem solved." but i like my heels i responded: he
shrugged his shoulder, raised his brows and took another