my disconnected man

how does one discuss the "how of be-ing"

old friend across the sea - how does one
describe the drowning as one walks in the
office to see the same faces, the same story

another time and perhaps it would be funny
another time and it was funny but how many
times must i discuss why my tattoo encircling 

my ankle is the way it is: in truth it is because
my old friend, in now san francisco, said he was
shattered: he said this to me in third grade, i

thought it was because his mother wrote books
and raised chickens, and his dad, a professor,
had many young encounters: my old friend was

privy too and wrote me too often: when we sat
in the hall and said goodbye to each other during
our first year of high school for summer we knew

                   something was amidst:

                                      our kiss (should've had the beauty of a first kiss) was flat:
                                                         yet in each

                                                                            letter i drew my

                                                                                               disconnected stick of a man