Gibran Khalil Gibran : جبران خليل جبرا

Having found love and put it aside
As one sets flour to rise: I took upon
Me a book. A heavy book with many 
Pages and many thoughts I had not yet 
Made my own. It had lived on a shelf
quietly among the yogis: an author 
Long since dead: cradled by reality 
I scan his lines and wish them my own 
Pay tribute as only another poet can 
I share with a heavy heart his words 
Of death, love, truth, personified by a new abyss 

Of zeros and ones: in a moment death 
Will be at my bedside - and I hope to meet 
It with a welcome hand and a joyful tear 
In my eyes - having read what I have read

Fear: A Poem by Gibran Khalil Gibran