operating from fear
in a known factor
it stems from the manure
fed into by media & news
and parents and educators
all meaning well to live
it leaves us blind to thought
thought already in streams
we feed on it, we live in it
we dream of it - this fear
prolonged by generations
in our genetics.* this junk
we argue: it is fight or flight
in truth it is neither. it is fear
a simple stream of fear we
collected and renamed to fit
love, safety, a dull existential
existence of what kafka wrote
when he was a vermin**
*Epigenetics and the New Science of Thriving
in Autism: How the Parents' and the
Caregivers’ Expectations Directly Affects the
Autistic Child's Ability to Thrive: Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy
**The Metamorphosis (Die Verwandlung): Franz Kafka