sometimes things come to an end
and sometimes things go so slow
i wonder if that is how God feels
as He looks down - " I sent her
and now look she's lost, she prayed
so I'll make it so a cat suffers deep
humiliation and gets photographed
as he is walked on a leash for her smile
now her match has made her sad, yet
she has made him smile, now his knee
hurts and oh look over there, my other
son has lost more weight, I will add
unconditional love and send three
beautiful labs and a dog named boo
yet as he learns he is still sad at the loss
of time and her - so I'll prepare another
for him and if they all but took a moment
to glance about - their hearts would beat
still all I get from all of them is a few smiles
a few giggles, but not the laughter I so crave
to hear."
sometimes things come to an end
and even for God sometimes things go so slow