riparian buffer

 "if heaven has a creek"* - and we don't have to 
agree on anything. and it all spins out of control 
then it makes sense that heaven has a creek where 

we can fall into and not drown. rest but not stay 
it isn't the ocean where the moon i am told is 
bigger than the earth & there is no fear of sharks 

or stagnant water - it all goes somewhere perhaps 
into the mighty mississippi or a rapid in colorado 
or a spring in comal: perhaps it runs to the river 

i was born at: where i learned to walk and collect 
glass or the river siddhartha sat discovering each 
moment the river he knew was no longer his -  i 

hear trees are planted now in india to keep the dirt 
perhaps i'll go there - plant a tree or two and name 
each to keep the earth still: still enough we agree

*If heaven had a creek: Moira Rose. Schitt's Creek: Catherine O'Hara