die Hauptstraße

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it will be missed
the whole thing missed
the quiet road, the semblance
of normalcy: the mixture
of coffee and what was once
known as a flu and bad music

the coffee is good, at least God got that right.

don't you think. but then you
think God does all right - that was your tale
back in the day. i saw you rush
around and justify all we did

there was no justification to what i did or who i hurt

i know that now - a bit too late 
for us and a bit late for then &
now - this trifecta makes me smile - what i have
created - the chaos, the coffee and long drives, the thoughts
as he escapes and this time i will
sit silently by and watch
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the whole thing missed