voltaic pile

i no 
longer know 
what to 
txt, how to 
help, to advice to 
direct, to even just be
jokes come to mind 
but this is no time 
for two zincs, 
& a copper, 
to enter a bar
hav'en gotten off center 
i see you toppling over 
so do i scramble and block 
become a wedge and stop 
or just let you topple - i don't know 
which to do - all will end in tears for me 
at least my stye will go away 
scrambling will make me fall, wedging make me squished 
letting you topple makes me be needed more - and i don't want to be 
needed then - i want to be wanted when you are rising 
so what can i write that will make you see once more how the stars 
above your house hide behind the trees. what can I add without taking away 
what a woman takes away when she tries too hard  
and the man she knows can be gets lost behind her words