Deuteronomy 28: blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.

in this intermission - i hope to learn to parasail across the sky
to that end i have researched beaches and mountain tops. and 
rivers and plains. the fear of heights is nothing compared to my 
fear of moving forward. thus to this end i grasp at hope, stare 
intently past the shoulders of any man that may even remotely 
come close. it's been a few days. and i am told it gets easier 
and i have told others the same: it gets easier. and i was told 
today by a man who should have been my father that it all tends 
to repeat itself. and i told him: we can stop it. we can stop it 
all. he quoted deuteronomy to me and i had little strength to 
outline the many ways he's so wrong. and perhaps he is or i 
i am or we both have it wrong or we both have it right - it does 
not really matter - it never really has - just us, sailing past life