i am saddened to see freud go
but he is used to it by now after
all he is dead. and his thoughts
were not novel. that oedipus
thing - he stole it all from there
borrowed like judas the whole
bible trinity thing, the woman
condemned to the well, Jesus'
whore scenting his feet with her
hair and with Mary his mother
allowing such love. then there
is plato and his joint being of
man and woman. Id. so much
freud everywhere even before
freud himself. we have to place
anger somewhere. i have quietly
folded it. it is now the size of
an atom. it resides in my heart
and what it does when it tries
to unfold is - cause a water fall
from my eyes - that is the sin
of the woman that man can
never forgive. we can cry and forgive and not be called weak.
this is
Mary's gift to her Son's wife.