27 things

i am to let go of 27 things a day
i will start with my soul - it's old,
my mind it rarely works as well
anymore - and my heart, yes my
heart is has broken more times
than i ever care to admit. that's
three - i will add words i have so
many that i don't ever need or use
then there's those two chairs
that sit on my patio and i never
use. in fact let's let the patio go
as well, silence, i will let go of that
& that sense of purpose had when
young, that's gone too, and what
of the jewelry not real still each
time i see/hold it makes me smile
i think i will keep most: shoes gone.
bags, so many bags, who has room any-
more. and old electronics storing
those texts and images not to be
lost but never viewed - gone. i
am down 13, a few more: pens -
i have pens. blue ones and black
remnants of writing - those are gone.
along with broken crayons, dried up
paint. old scents i give those up too
moist passion filled aromas, there is
no need for them. poets, the dead ones
and some still alive  - who has the time
to ponder beauty or read lists: verses
of love. yes, i forgot about love, and
hope, and faith or is it fate. those are
all packed up ready to go. 22 collected
5 more to go. those are easy. memories
the bad ones, the mediocre ones & some
funny ones that no longer make me feel
in fact lets just get rid of feeling. that will
make life tolerable. i have three more to go
and then i will be lighter... so much lighter
light enough that the wind can carry me