I have no poem to write ...

I have nothing to write. I am engrossed in my autistic son's need for education. One I personally do not want to provide. I do not want to be his teacher - I want to be his mother. So I am in search of an affordable alternative that will allow my son to explore his academics. In the public school's autism units people are amazed he can speak, read and write and urge me to explore private schools. In the private schools they urge me to explore public: no child left behind. Unless of course he has autism that is not as severe as it should be nor as light as it could be. If he had Aspergers - we would accept him but he is a bit too aggressive, his constant verbal scripting of charitable endowments - "you understand, it would be too disruptive, not the norm, he wouldn't be comfortable, he is still so young, he is too advance..." on and on - the droning, the apologies, the we will say a prayer, has become stifling and I am barely able to cope with my case load. Still work is a good diversion - one that has lost all importance except the income it brings in. I told one indigent client that - she found the money to hire an attorney. To her, her problem is paramount. To me, my problem is paramount. I suppose I could have shared the burden but who is there to share mine. I am saddened at times and empowered in others. All is exhausting. Like my mind - this paragraph leaves little space.