in remembrance of a harbor i may yet go to

i've known such passings
such crossings
an instant like, an instant 
moment of if i 
had the time to stop: we would 
be great 
friends, romance, 
and eternal love. 


i know those passings 
as many do 
often lived 
again and lost so 
many that as the universe 
collapses into itself 
we only have to 

wait to cross - what eternal 
we have encountered 
it's our endurance 
that causes us
for this mile 
is not good enough 
the next will

be well thought 
out. at forty three and 
how many lives later 
i still cross  
try to look 
in peoples' eyes, 
the smart 
look down, 
the lost, as if 

a child, keep the smile 
and our eyes 
firmly straight
in the off chance, one 
moment will open up and we will know 
that all we have known is not just