what i like most is
he stops to pick up
trash. no one asks
no one nudges, he
just does. no job
asks this of him, it
is him. he picks up
worms in the middle
of our goodbyes to
place it in the yard
i want to yell: am i
not as important as
this worm. and at
the same time i want
to have this humbleness
of life. where life
is not ours but to
serve in such a manner
that turtles get saved
and raccoons get fed
and dogs and cats are
given such chances
only a saint can give
if it wasn't for the opossum
i so cruelly sped over or
the kitten's neck i so honestly
twisted to send it to sleep
while he worried besides me
we could never last because
he honestly can give life and
i can too easily take it away