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"a brief description of the you"
that man across the sea writes

and he writes well or as well
as time permits: i often peruse his
page to see what new thoughts
i can have and it seems i can have
quiet a bit with the right man
writing: i wonder if he felt the
emptiness of the house the way i
felt it when my dog oreo passed
or when we let kisses go free to
join him: i miss those puppies
still: i enter the gray house (my
ex chose the colors) and i feel
it empty even though my children
are at play and new puppies are
about: to me it is no longer mine

and so i wonder about the man
across the sea, i wonder about
the owner of boo, my beloved

at times my ex too and i often
wonder if they ever ponder my

existence as a scorpion, ready
to sting myself to death in this

here emptiness