it would be a good read, the kind had on a sunday morning right before church
right before the entrance of the holy spirit, the father and the son in no particular
order: there is no problem there, in fact i am not even there: i merge into four
year old land, and watch the indoctrination: but my son is brighter than that he
bounds, leaps, lashes out at the story of noah and his ark: he admires the rainbow
at the end: names the colors: shows his understanding of the world, the others line
up and sanitize their hands, my son is last - extends his hand and says an unprompted
thank you
he is the only one
if he does this at four what will he do at five: all church goers know my son, have
him into this Diary of Sadness - but he knows, and i know
thank you
Notes from
Across the Blue Couch
not everything is the way it is.